Employment Application Form

Employment Application Form

Privacy Notice: Wing’s Wildlife Park (WWP) deals with your personal information in accordance with law including the Information Privacy Act 2009. A copy of this application may be provided to external agencies if individuals are applying for a position through an organisation not managed by WWP.

Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external WWP without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

This form is to be completed when applying for any position at WWP. Submitting this form does not guarantee employment at WWP.

Applicants will be required to participate in an interview process prior to being considered for employment.

Phone: 03 6429 1151

Email: info@wingswildlifepark.com.au

Website: www.wingswildlifepark.com.au

Facebook: www.facebook.com/wingswildlifepark

Employment Application Form

Application Details


I submit this form with the relevant supporting documentation as required. I declare that the details are correct to the best of my ability and acknowledge that I will adhere to the below conditions:

  • I agree to WWP conducting probity checks (where appropriate).
  • I agree to work under the guidance and supervision of the WWP employee responsible for the area of work for which I have applied.
  • I agree to contact the WWP employee designated if I wish to vary the nature of work specified in this application, or if I experience any problems with the work I am undertaking.
  • I understand that as an employee of WWP to am required to comply with the Code of Conduct, relevant policies, and legislative obligations of WWP particularly in respect to workplace health and safety, discrimination, bullying, confidentiality, and organisational discipline.
  • I understand that WWP may terminate my services if I do not comply with any aspect of this agreement.
  • I agree to inform WWP of any injuries sustained whilst undertaking my employees’ responsibilities.
  • I give permission for my photograph to be taken and reproduced in WWP publications, including on Wings website and social media pages.

Declaration by Legal Guardian of Applicant if under eighteen

I declare that I am the legal guardian of the applicant and give consent for the applicant to work at Wings Wildlife Park.



Emergency Contacts

Medical Details

Some positions require your supervisor to have evidence of your physical capacity to undertake certain jobs e.g., driving vehicles, lifting items, working is dirty spaces etc?

Are your Vaccinations up to date?

Supporting Documentation

Please remember to provide the following supporting documentation when submitting this form:

  • Resume or curriculum vitae (optional)
  • Vaccination certificate/s (if available)
  • Details of Referees
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